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Breast Care Services

At York Hospital Breast Care in York and Wells, 冰球突破承诺您使用最高质量的乳房成像最准确的诊断. 冰球突破会及时亲自回答你所有的问题, 提供指导,以支持基于现有最佳科学的治疗决策. 无论是常规乳房x光检查还是高级乳房治疗, we’ll provide prompt, personal answers, and expert care with a multidisciplinary team.

Letter from our medical director

Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center

冰球突破乳房护理是缅因州和新罕布什尔州少数几个完全认可的美国放射学院指定的综合乳房成像中心之一. We’re fully accredited in mammography, stereotactic breast biopsy, breast ultrasound, and ultrasound-guided biopsy.


Get treated by leading experts


该中心也有专门的护士导航员和专家技术人员,他们帮助你进行评估和治疗, and answer any questions you may have along the way. 冰球突破专业的乳房护理护士会帮助您完成检测、诊断和治疗. 他们与冰球突破的多学科放射科医生团队密切合作, primary care providers, oncologists, surgeons, genetic counselors, clinical trials nurses, and other professionals, 定期开会,使你的诊断和治疗计划与当前的最佳做法保持一致.

Detect breast cancer earlier with 3D mammography

每年做一次乳房x光检查可以使你的乳腺癌存活率提高40%以上. 冰球突破自豪地提供最新的乳腺癌筛查. Every patient is imaged with 3D mammography, 让冰球突破的放射科医生以前所未有的方式看到乳房组织. 冰球突破也为乳房组织致密的患者提供完整的乳房超声检查,如果需要的话,冰球突破也提供有针对性的超声检查, as part of your diagnostic imaging work-up. Additionally, 冰球突破的约克分部提供乳房MRI和立体定向(x线引导)乳房活检服务.

See early detection in action

Screening information

Access breast care results the way you want

When scheduling your appointment, 您可以选择接受当天的结果直播, while you wait, or results within a few days. Live reads are available in York on Mondays and Fridays before 2 p.m.  请注意,乳房问题的诊断检查或返回进行额外成像的患者将在预约时收到结果. 如果当天的结果不可用,您将在4-7天内通过邮件收到结果.

如果您已经注册了冰球突破患者门户, you may view your results online within 2-7 days. 如果您的考试中有任何需要进一步评估的地方,冰球突破会通过电话与您联系.

See the patient portal

Breast care services offered

冰球突破乳腺护理中心的每位患者都接受3D断层合成乳房x光检查, performed by our expert technologists. 事实证明,与单独的2D相比,3D断层合成乳房x线照相术平均能多检测出41%的浸润性乳腺癌,并减少多达40%的回调.

10多年来,冰球突破乳腺护理部门一直在为致密乳腺组织进行完整的乳房超声检查, longer than any center on the Seacoast. 这种经验导致了较低的假阳性率(更少的后续检查和不必要的活组织检查)和更高的癌症检出率. 对于乳腺组织致密的患者,补充完整的乳腺超声可增加小肿块的检测, node-negative breast cancers. 发现这些早期乳腺癌给冰球突破的病人带来了更高的治愈机会.

At York Hospital Breast Care, 每位患者都要接受筛查,以确定他们是否有患乳腺癌的高风险(通常3-5%的患者符合高风险标准). Patients who are considered at high risk, based on either personal or family history, 是否可以接受额外的乳房核磁共振检查. 这通常是在你每年的乳房x光筛查6个月后进行的.

冰球突破乳腺护理中心的每一位医生都是执业医师, 接受过乳房奖学金培训的放射科医生,专门从事乳房放射科医生的工作. 这种专业知识对于进行准确和安全的乳房活检并将不适降到最低是至关重要的. 冰球突破的乳房放射科医生进行立体定向断层合成, ultrasound, and MRI-guided breast biopsies.

At York Hospital, 冰球突破的委员会认证的乳房研究员培训的放射科医生也进行乳房肿瘤定位与冰球突破的外科医生合作使用MagSeed. MagSeed是一种无线、无放射性、惰性的种子,由手术级不锈钢制成. The MagSeed is removed by your surgeon during surgery.

冰球突破的乳房护理团队也为冰球突破的男性和变性患者提供服务. 了解更多关于男性乳腺癌和变性患者护理的信息.

Male patients

Transgender patients

Frequently asked questions

Our York location is at 15 Hospital Drive in York, ME. 从约克街(York Street)通过医院大道(Hospital Drive)入口到达(正对着约克村中心的雕像). 将车停在右侧的停车场,并使用汉考克WING入口, 沿着汉考克走廊直接到冰球突破位于走廊尽头的乳房护理中心. Registration is on your right.

冰球突破位于缅因州韦尔斯市桑福德路112号. Upon entering the campus from Sanford Road/Route 109, please bear LEFT at the sign, and Building B is on your left. The office is on the second floor of Building B.

冰球突破的两个地点有相似的能力,只有一些不同. Both, for example, offer 3D digital tomosynthesis mammography, ultrasound, and ultrasound guided biopsy. 冰球突破的Wells定位还提供超声引导的术前MagSeed定位, 而冰球突破的约克分部提供所有术前MagSeed定位和全乳房MRI服务.

2 Locations

  • 1 (current)

Breast Care of York Hospital - Wells

See location information

Breast Care of York Hospital - York Main Campus

See location information
  • 1 (current)

Learn more

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Breast Cancer Living Well Program

这个项目为那些被诊断患有艾滋病的人提供支持, are undergoing treatment for, or are recovering from breast cancer.

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Breast Care: Helpful Information

查找有关早期发现影响的有用信息, how insurance can help pay for screening, and more.

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Male Breast Care

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Referrals for Physicians

Are you a physician? 在冰球突破冰球突破欢迎所有乳房相关病例的咨询和转诊.

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Transgender Breast Care

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